Conditions of use
These Conditions of use, as well as all the adequate legal acts and other regulations are valid for the visit and use of the Petkrov d.o.o. Internet site ("Internet stranice"). When visiting this page it presumes you have read and understood these Conditions of use and that you accept them completely. If you do not agree with the application of these Conditions of you, you are supposed to decline opening our Internet site.
All the data available at our Internet site are strictly informative, and can be used only for personal purposes. It is forbidden to use and/or present this Internet site or its contents, as a whole or in parts, for any public or commercial purpose, without previously obtained explicit written approval of the Petkrov d.o.o..
This Internet site and all of its contents, including without any restrictions the texts, photos, drawings, audio and visual materials, stamps, design, logos, etc. are protected by copyright and other acts regulating intellectual property, having been an exclusive property of the Petkrov d.o.o. These contents can only be used for the purpose of information and for persona, non-commercial purposes. The contents of this site should not be reproduced, copied, distributed, changed, transferred published or revised without a prior written approval of the company of Petkrov d.o.o. Using or visiting this site does not authorise anybody, explicitly or implicitly, to any kind of licence or right to use the site, its contents or parts of its contents, or any other right that belongs to the company of Petkrov d.o.o. or to some third party. The Petkrov d.o.o. does not claim or guarantee, implicitly or explicitly, that the contents of the site, and/or the sites linked with it, complete or up-to-date, that the site and/or linked sites will be available at all times, as also that they will not contain errors, viruses, worms and other software that could cause some damage to the users. Each and every user explicitly accepts its own responsibility for using this site, together with possible costs associated with damages, maintenance and necessary repair of the computer equipment.
The Petkrov d.o.o. is by no means liable for possible damages arising from the use of this Internet site, including, without any restrictions, loss of profit, stops in the working process, software damages and loss, loss of other data on the user’s data processing systems, etc., even when directly informed of the damages of the kind. Any guarantee offered on this site concerns only the products or services offered by the Petkrov d.o.o.
All the materials and/or information and/or idea and/or concept, sent to the Petkrov d.o.o., or made available via this Internet site are not and will not be considered a business secret or confidential. Sending the material via this Internet site means giving the Petkrov d.o.o. an unlimited licence to use everything sent, including copying it, transferring, and publishing, performing, changing or using the material in any other manner, without the obligation on the part of the Petkrov d.o.o. to pay any fee or other form of reimbursement.
Legal regulations of the Republic of Croatia are applied for the usage of this Internet site. By visiting and using the site, the users have agreed the jurisdiction of Croatian courts in case of any conflict.
The Petkrov d.o.o. keeps the right to change the Conditions of use at any time, as well as to refuse the visit to the site without any previous notice. We suggest the users should read the Conditions of use from time to time, so as to be acquainted with possible changes and the manner of using the site. Visiting and using the sites means the users have read the Conditions of use and possible changes, have understood them and accepted as a whole and in all the details.
Petkrov d.o.o. © 2013. All rights reserved.